пятница, 3 января 2020 г.


Visual MODFLOW Flex provides a seamless transition from raw data through conceptualization to the numerical model all within a single intuitive modeling environment. The grid can then be manually populated with properties and boundary conditions using traditional techniques. This provides a visual quality assurance of the data, and allows you to gain a solid understanding of the subsurface before designing the numerical model. Define complex geology and model layers using borehole log data and cross-sections Interpret GIS data to define hydrogeologic properties and boundaries independent of the grid Run, analyze, and validate model results with raw data in 2D, 3D, and cross-section views Easily create multiple conceptualizations; generate numerous grids and model scenarios in parallel all in a single project Assess uncertainty though comparing heads from multiple model runs in 2D, 3D or chart views. Choose the flexible and efficient conceptual modeling approach or the classical modeling approach. With full bit application and engine support, you can now leverage the extra memory available on bit computers and build larger, more complex models. visual modflow trial

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The combination of both interfaces offer a complimentary set of tools that you can use to build and run mofdlow models. Includes support for pilot points, various regularization options and advanced kriging. GRD Site maps, aerial and satellite imagery.

Visual MODFLOW Flex

Cell locations and parameters are automatically calculated for you, reducing the need to define these manually moddflow a cell-based level. From one conceptual model you can easily generate multiple numerical models of different grid types and modeling scenarios, and easily update or modify the model as needed.

Transport Packages MT3DMS - Three-dimensional transport model for simulating advection, dispersion, and chemical reactions of dissolved constituents. Classical Modeling Approach Ideal for models with simple geology, basic modflwo and boundary conditions, the classical approach allows you to start by defining the numerical grid.

With Visual MODFLOW Flex you have a complete set of tools necessary for addressing water quality, groundwater supply, and source water protection initiatives, including:. With full bit application and engine support, mofdlow can now leverage the extra memory available on bit computers and build larger, modfliw complex models.

Read more about how the conceptual modeling approach can save you significant time and effort. The best model can be selected, thus improving model credibility. Within a single project, you can easily generate and manage multiple models in parallel for comparing alternative scenarios, grid discretizations or hydrogeologic interpretations.

visual modflow trial

Easily construct your grid-independent hydrogeologic conceptual model in minutes using modfloow existing GIS data moodflow. This provides a visual quality assurance of the data, and allows you to gain a solid understanding of the subsurface before designing the numerical model.

This reduces the need to maintain costly 3rd party pre-processing tools and eliminates the error-prone process of transferring data back-and-forth between different software packages and data formats. Unparalleled Power and Performance Take full advantage of bit architecture and multiple core processors, and visaul bigger models and run simulations significantly faster Available in bit with support for bit engines Multi-core parallel processing for flow engines.

Quick and easy data importing of all common file types and formats Automatic coordinate system and units conversion on import Automatic data validation and intelligent error checking on import Define model boundaries, property zones, boundary conditions and attributes from imported GIS data Supported Data Types Point, polygon and polyline data.

If you intend to work with large models est. Visual MODFLOW Flex provides a seamless transition from raw data through conceptualization to the numerical model all within a single intuitive modeling environment.

Take full advantage of bit architecture and multiple core processors, and build bigger models and run simulations significantly faster.

Easily experiment with different grid types and choose the one that gives you the best, most stable model. Define complex geology and model layers using borehole log data and cross-sections Interpret GIS data to define triao properties and boundaries independent of the grid Run, analyze, and validate model results with raw data in 2D, 3D, and cross-section views Modfliw create multiple conceptualizations; generate numerous grids and model scenarios in parallel all in a single project Assess uncertainty though comparing heads from multiple model runs in 2D, 3D or chart views.

Choose the flexible and efficient conceptual modeling approach or the classical modeling approach. This allows you to establish model credibility by demonstrating how numerical model data model layers, flow parameters, recharge data were generated from conceptual data borehole logs, GIS data.

Built and designed on the latest in 3D visualization technology, Visual MODFLOW Flex allows you to effectively present and communicate your data to colleagues and stakeholders with impressive visual renderings of your hydrogeologic model. Calculated heads and pathlines can also be displayed alongside conceptual model data to validate assumptions and further demonstrate model credibility.

jaketa - Visual MODFLOW Flex

The following table outlines the features that are available in each interface. Model inputs and grid design can be easily modified and updated at any point in the modeling process as modeling objectives change, more data are collected and a better understanding of the sub-surface is achieved. The grid can then be manually populated with properties and boundary conditions using vsiual techniques.

visual modflow trial

Network Card required for licensing If you intend to work with visuql models est. You can start every project by designing the geology and numerical grid using the conceptual modeling tools in the VMOD Flex Interface. What interface should I use for my project? The grid-independent conceptual model gives you the flexibility to experiment with different grid types and simulators.

visual modflow trial

Visualize all data, including conceptual objects, numerical grids, input data property zones, boundary condition cells, etc and output data calculated heads, pathlines in state-of-the-art 2D, 3D and multi-view FlexViewer displays Modfloow cut-away and cross-sectional views that allow you to see inside your model Generate 3D animations and movies for reports or the web Add isolines, contours, pathlines and color shading to viewers Drape raster images site maps, satellite imagery over 3D surfaces to show relief Optimized OpenGL graphics for enhanced hardware rendering.

Manage multiple model scenarios in a single project Easily generate multiple models in parallel for evaluating alternative hydrogeologic interpretations and hypotheses Make visusl visual and numerical comparisons between different modeling scenarios Calculate head differences between multiple model runs, with the same or different grid size Compare and analyze multiple modeling scenarios for selecting the best, most realistic model. Visual MODFLOW Flex allows you to assess uncertainty and improve model credibility through comparisons and analysis of multiple modeling scenarios - all within a single project.

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