четверг, 2 января 2020 г.


Made with by Graphene Themes. A lot of the albums are available online. Dindinha is a wonderful debut album. For your listening pleasure we have also created a few select podcasts as well as a Spotify playlist. For the listener, the right mood is set with that very first song. If an album is sent to one of our reviewers, there is no obligation to review it. ceumar cantiga

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Cantiga Chords - Ceumar |

The follow-up question to that is about our tendency to publish positive reviews. What is even nicer about Ceumar is that she has maintained the same quality of work in her subsequent releases.

ceumar cantiga

If an album is sent to one of our reviewers, there is no obligation to review it. For your listening pleasure we have also created a few select podcasts as well as a Spotify playlist. You can visit Ceumar to learn more about the artist and this album.

All the reviews are czntiga here and have all been converted to the new design.

ceumar cantiga

Made with by Graphene Themes. Well, we keep the bad apples to ourselves. Extra care was put in the repertoire selection and arrangements in order to maintain a quiet ambience and classy folk feeling. MB Tweets My Tweets. With each new album she puts out, she grows musically and proves what an excellent singer and performer she is.

All the other sections of the site are listed in that pull-down menu, too. Two frequent questions seem to surface about us.

The all acoustic ensemble that backs her up is also responsible for the wonderful sound that the album creates, especially the steel acoustic guitar that Ceumar uses throughout most of these tracks. A lot of the albums are available online.

Ceumar - Cantiga lyrics

These discographies are not just album listings. We are consumers just like you who enjoy Brazilian music. The list keeps growing, so be sure to check that section from time to time.

All articles in MB are copyrighted. If you would like to contact us, please use the form at the footer. First is about who we are.

We offer our personal opinions about each and every album commercially released by those artists. For the listener, the right mood is set with that very first song. Dindinha is a wonderful debut album. Please credit the author and site when using quotes from our reviews. Though generally performed with an accordion and zabumba, here Ceumar does a gorgeous a cappella arrangement with her own multi-layered vocal work. Her captivating voice and well-produced arrangements shine from beginning to end.

You can find those in the Sounds tab.

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